
BSL: MLB Finally Takes A Stand

Major League Baseball likes to portray itself as this entity that is intertwined with the fabric of our country. “National Pastime” and “America’s Game” are two phrases that many writers, fans, and the industry use to describe the game and its importance to the culture of the United States. And, to a degree, that romanticism is justifiable. The game’s pace allows for conversations in between those moments of great intensity. The history, the numbers, and the personalities make for a nice highlight reel. Baseball fans can often relate those moments on the field to the happenings of their life.

But, fans and writers often forget that Major League Baseball is a business. It is a business designed to make billions of dollars for a select group of people. Decisions are made, not for the betterment of the fans, but for the bottom line. And, while there is nothing groundbreaking in that statement, Major League Baseball often gets the romanticism pass with many of its decisions. And, just like our history, Major League Baseball’s longstanding indifference towards equality has lived under the surface. This past week, Major League Baseball finally chose something other than indifference.

Read the rest at Baltimore Sports and Life.
